Boomerang is a short film, directed and co-written by Rylee Jean Ebsen, which recently premiered online with SHORT OF THE WEEK. It has screened Internationally at twelve film festivals and won three awards, including 'Best Film' at JUST FOR LAUGHS EAT MY SHORTS (the largest comedy festival in the world), the 'Audience Award' at Santa Fe International Film Festival, and 'Best Director' at Chicago Women's Comedy. After losing her job, a flailing millennial is forced to move back into her childhood bedroom during the lockdown and navigate life with her dysfunctional parents. Determined to take on a lover, she re-connects with a middle school crush. A heartfelt, funny, timely, and relatable tale about an entire generation of millennials who were forced to move home during the lockdown and suffered arrested development. Starring SAG award winner and Emmy nominee Marin Hinkle (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), Sydney Steinberg (Rutherford Falls), Phil Abrams (Dolomite Is My Name, DAVE), Noah Findling (“Comedians To Watch on Instagram" New York Times), and Kaitlyn Tanimoto (Camping, The Goldbergs).